As Freedom Fibre works to rapidly introduce a range of internet service providers (ISPs) to its lightning-fast, full-fibre network, Cumbria-based connectivity specialists IP River have become the newest ISP to partner with the brand.
As a wholesale connectivity specialist already supplying connections to business customers such as Heathrow, Gatwick, Hienz, and Disney, IP River and Freedom Fibre are teaming up to bring Freedom Fibre’s innovative B2B packages to businesses in the North West.
On the new partnership, IP River’s Account Director of Service Providers, Jonathan Starr, said;
“Our customers have expressed their satisfaction with the affordable pricing, high speeds, and excellent quality offered by Freedom Fibre on their network. As the network expands, IP River looks forward to facilitating growth through our network of resellers.”
Incidentally, IP River was the first internet service provider to book a business connection on Freedom Fibre’s innovative FibrePlus product – a package that provides businesses with a fully flexible connection that can scale with changing bandwidth requirements.
This booking has highlighted the strength of Freedom Fibre’s processes when it comes to streamlining business connections, with the wayleave document – a legal agreement between property owners and telecoms and utility providers granting access to private land – only taking two weeks to complete, with most wayleaves taking approximately 90 days to be granted.
Lee Sutch, Freedom Fibre’s Head of B2B, highlighted the benefit of having IP River on board as a retail partner, saying;
“Partnering with IP River allows Freedom Fibre a great opportunity to work with connectivity resellers to help us to deliver our disruptive B2B FibrePlus services into more businesses across the North West. Helping our B2B customers of all sizes to benefit from faster more reliable connectivity for less.”
With the first B2B FibrePlus installation booked, Freedom Fibre is delighted to cement this partnership with IP River and deliver businesses in the North West with unparalleled connectivity options.