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Urmston to benefit from Freedom Fibre’s £9M investment in full-fibre broadband Infrastructure

Continuing with their mission to provide lightning-fast broadband connectivity to everyone, Freedom Fibre are thrilled to announce that their full-fibre network will be rolled out in the Trafford-based town of Urmston.

Freedom Fibre engineers are already on location to undertake critical surveying of the town and establish a quick and effective roll-out plan, with the build set to commence by the end of the month. Once complete, the UK’s fastest and most reliable broadband technology will be available to approximately 25,000 Urmston households and businesses within an area that reaches as far up as the Trafford Centre, bordering Stretford and the River Mersey.

The network build in Urmston is another important milestone in ensuring all areas of the North West have access to gigabit capable broadband, supporting the Government’s national target date of 2030. Many households in Urmston currently experience download speeds of around 27MB/s, and as the area experiences a burgeoning demand and exceptional growth, Freedom Fibre’s £9 million investment in the area – providing speeds of up to 900Mb/s - will only further add value to Urmston homes and businesses.

Speaking on the upcoming build, Freedom Fibre’s Chief Delivery Officer, Tony Moore, said:

“We are delighted to begin rolling out our full-fibre broadband network across Urmston. Whether you’re working from home, running a business, or have a house full of games-obsessed teenagers, our lightning-fast, full-fibre broadband will unleash so much potential for households and businesses in the area.”

Through Freedom Fibre’s partnership with the UK’s third largest internet service provider, TalkTalk, full fibre (FTTP) broadband packages offering average speeds of up to 900MB/s will be available to residents at an affordable price, futureproofing households for many years to come.

The basic broadband networks (ADSL) and standard fibre networks (FTTC) both rely on copper to connect homes and businesses to the internet. However, the copper network is unreliable and heavily affected by external factors such as temperature, traffic, and moisture. Not only does full-fibre technology provide lightning-fast speeds, but it is highly reliable as it is not affected by external interference.

Urmston residents who would like to connect to the Freedom Fibre network when it becomes available can register their interest here for regular updates.


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